Monday, June 10, 2013

Hat Review: Crimsonpunk


Mesh: The mesh is very nice and one of a kind. Even though similar to other goggles, this one looks the best indeed. The way those.. things stick up off the glass, and everything, I'm so glad this isn't copied at all!
Steampunk SniperInventor Goggles 
Rating: 10/10

Texture: The texture is very nice. Gold, Black and Red. The black on it, it's not like any other black I've seen.. It's.. It's.. Plain.. Not dark, not light, just.. the right color, and I love that! I love the way that the dark red and black mix in to the goggles to make the perfect eye glass. Very nice, and very awesome! 
Rating: 10/10

Pricing: Now we get to the worst part of this hat. With 2987 sales, this hat is 100 Robux. Personally, I think it should be 500+. Just the way it looks, the mesh, and texture, I have no clue why the price is so low, but who knows... But, even though it's not high, at least it's easy to get for some who want a good hat.
Rating: 5/10

Overall: Overall, this hat is awesome! One of a kind mesh, very amazing texture, and a very low price! If you can get this, do get it!
Overall Rating: 25/30

Thanks for reading!

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