Thursday, July 25, 2013

- ROBLOX Helpers - LMaD

LMaD - Let's Make a Deal

LMaD is the forum where players go to trade and sell items. But it can be a hard place to get used to, and to fit in, so I am going to try my best to tell you how you can fit in!

First, know the acronyms of each hat, which you can find here.

1. Know the people

Knowing the people you're trading with can help you get better items, not only for them trusting you more, but you know how they work. What do I mean by how they work? Well, different people trade differently, some base trades off the item's price, others on the RAP of the item.

RAP = Recent Average Price

RAP is how much an item is worth in a trade.

2. Over Price

Next you need to Over Price, or OP for short. When you OP you pay more for the item you're trading.

Here's an example

Your offer: 2,000 RAP

What you want: 1,600 RAP

OPing can be a good thing, but NEVER offer items of higher RAP, to understand that, check out this link.

3. Over Offer, and Under Offer

Now we get to the Over and Under offering. This is a great thing to do when trading for rare items.

When you Under Offer, you trade one item for many other items.

When you Over Offer, you trade many items for one item.

Both are a great way to trade, and I suggest using both methods.


LMaD is full of trolls, so keep an eye out.

LMaD users don't tend to be nice to newer people in that forum, so just ignore them.

LMaD is the most popular forum, so your post will get covered up quickly, so make sure the title attracts people.

I hope this helped, and if you have any questions, be sure to leave a comment!

Thanks for reading.

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