Thank you for reading this special post, why is it special though? Because Robloxian News Network has set a new record for us, because of the egg hints, we have gotten over 1,000 Views this past week. And I would like to thank you all with this special ROBLOX Helper. What is a Faberge? A Faberge is the rarest egg you can possibly get, this year having them be the rarest and hardest, we have three this year, Dreamweaver, Regal Dragon, and Royal.
Why are they so rare? The reason is, Faberge eggs in real life are priceless eggs made in the House of Faberge. A Faberge is an egg decorated in jewels. Reason they are rare is because they are simply hard to find, and get your hands on in real life, so ROBLOX decided to make it just as hard, but possible in-game. Faberge's have been is every egg hunt since 2012, and have always been very rare to find, but this year they are harder than ever. How do I get my hands on a Faberge?
This is the tricky part, Faberge's can spawn ANYWHERE on the map, and have a 1-1000% chance of appearing in a server, per 1,000 people, you may find a Faberge in that server. Getting a Faberge is easy if there is one in the server, if you are rich or simply have BC, I suggest buying the Faberge Cloner and the Eggdar. These gear will help you a lot in finding one. The Eggdar tells you what eggs are in the server, so you can see for rare eggs. The Faberge Cloner is much fun, if there is a Faberge in the server, simply click the image of it and you're done, if someone finds it, they get it as well as you! I hope this helped, any questions be sure to leave a comment. Thanks for reading!
Here is how to get some of the main eggs Tiger Egg This egg is usually near the spawn, it just rolls around for no reason, so it's easy to catch. Cannonical Egg This egg can be found anywhere, but catch out, it launches exploding cannon balls! Egg of Epic Growth To get this egg, you must find it in the tree then take it to the waterfall and drop it and then.. The egg grows and the.. Epic Duck appears?! Egg of Scales To get this egg, you must go into the cave inside the waterfall and wait for it to appear, once it does take it and go to the top of the volcano, once there jump in! But that's not all, while in mid-air drop the egg out of your inventory.
Here is how to get some of the main eggs iEgg To get this egg you must be on an iOS device [iPhone, iPad, iPod] or else you are unable to get the badge. If you are on an iOS device the egg will spawn in the City or in the Houses down by the waterfall. Eggrachnophobia Find this egg either in the cave behind the Waterfall, or in the field by the Boss Fight, but be careful, if you wait to long the egg will hatch Spiders and they will come eat you! Eggo-Trip Get this by going in the city, but this egg hunts you! To get this egg, find the one labeled with your username. GGE Find this egg.. Anywhere, but this egg hates to be caught so it runs away from you! Good luck catching it, it's pretty fast. Supersonic Egg Find this egg on the Volcano, but be careful, this egg if you get to close will fly off leaving you in a trail of smoke!
Eggsplosion Get this by going into a new place and putting up the Basic Objects page, insert an Explosion.
Eggstreme Builder To get this, open Toolbox and then go to the Vehicles section and insert the Racecar.
Eggsultant Contributer To get this take the Racecar, color it a bit and then Publish it as a model, make it public so everyone can get it.
Eggcellent Builder To get this, go on any of your games in Edit mode and then save the game.
Eggscrutiatingly Deviled Scripter To get this, go into any of your places in Build mode. In the Command bar, type print'Hello World!' hold down the Enter button for a few seconds.
Yolk's on Us To get this egg, go into Edit mode and insert a box [Or a room] model and name it egg, take any model and move it inside the Egg model and name this one model Yolk, take the Yolk model, move it to Workspace then back into Egg.
Builderman Egg Go to the construction site in the city, then click the transparent brick to make a pathway to the egg
Sorcus Egg Find him under the bridge, go to a house and bring him spam, for him to pop and for the badge to be given out, give him 7 spam. The person to give him the 7th spam gets the badge.
Deviled Egg Go through the wooden doors on the side of the hill, then Sword Fight the boss until he is defeated, when that is done the egg will appear.
Welcome to the 2013 ROBLOX Egg Hunt!
Are you ready for a challenge? We hope so, because collecting each and
every one of these eggs will be no small feat — they all behave in very
distinct (and sometimes dangerous) manners. Click here to start playing today.
Some eggs only appear in certain parts of the map, some only at
certain times. Some eggs attack, some run away. A few eggs require your
wit and wisdom to activate, while others even appear far outside the Egg
Hunt level (and ROBLOX gameplay, for that matter). We also introduced a
brand new feature for this year’s Egg Hunt: some eggs will hatch,
leaving you with a different virtual item — rather than the traditional
egg hats — that will be added to your ROBLOX inventory. There’s not set
date for an egg to hatch, so you’ll have to keep an eye on the status of
some of your hatchable eggs.
You've got a LOT of ground to cover.
We don’t want to give away the strategy to acquiring every egg (or
the prizes associated with them) just yet — that would ruin the fun! For
now, we encourage you to begin exploring the 2013 ROBLOX Egg Hunt
level! As always, feel free to take advantage of ROBLOXian knowledge to
figure out the trick to each egg. Chat in-game, post in the ROBLOX
Contests Forum — which we’ll be taking over for the Egg Hunt — and pay
attention to what other users are doing.
We’ve also created some exclusive gear that will aid you in your
search for each egg. Let’s go over these egg-cellent (sorry, we had to
at least once) tools below. Common EggCompass: Following this compass will help you find some of the common eggs.
Rare Egg Compass: Following this compass will help you find some of the rare eggs.
Fabrege Cloner:
Equip this gear and select a Fabrege Egg. If someone in the server wins
the egg you’ve selected while you’re in the server, you win it too!
Egg Cannon 2013:
This should do a good job confusing people. The Egg Cannon shoots decoy
eggs, but every one in 20 shots is the real thing! There’s a 30 second
cool down between each shot.
Eggdar: This gear will tell you what eggs currently populate the level. Keep an eye on it for rare egg sightings!
We hope you can leverage these items to make your egg hunting
experience a little easier because this is by far the most challenging
egg hunt we’ve ever created. Also, keep your eye on your social media
circles—we’ll be posting insider tips on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
Happy hunting!
Check out this awesome Youtube video too!
[Yes, John Shedletsky is hilarious, isn't he?]
Also check in for reviews on eggs, tips on getting eggs, and more!