Friday, January 18, 2013

Tycoon Week #8: Farm Tycoon

Farm Tycoon 
Creator: andymewborn
Created: 10/7/2008
Visits: 1,476,199
Favorites: 79,494

About the game: The game is all about building a farm, grow corps, harvest crops , this game is very simple. It was one of my first tycoons to play on ROBLOX, and I remember it well.

Scripting: As this game is old, just like the other two reviews for Tycoon Week, it's from 2008. Scripting was usually basic back in 2008, and for that reason this is a really good game, or at least it was. Even though it's so old, it still gets visits constantly, many say the scripting here is awesome, excellent, and more. I myself would say that now it's "behind" in scripting.

Here is what andymewborn has to say about the game.
"I am remaking this with new ideas, and with the bugs fixed. I'm going to try to make it nothing like this one, which should make it better. If you have ANY suggestions and ideas, post them here:"

Overall: Overall, this is a classic, and great game. Again, personally I think the scripting it behind it's time. The game play is basic, but fun at the same time. As the description says, "I am remaking this with new ideas". It seems to be no longer updated, as it has not been update in over 5 months. But time will tell.
Game Rating: 8/10

Thanks for reading.  

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