Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Special Edition---ROBLOX iPad Character Movement---BEHIND THE SCENES

Hey guys,welcome to a RNN special behind the scenes edition,today we'll be talking about a player's way of moving...


The transition to the iPad was hard for many ROBLOXians...Why?  The way of making your character move!!!  Like our "enemy" game,MineCraft,it's mobile version had a small GUI on the bottom to make your character move around,however,with that factor,it makes it hard for a player to move easily...The now released ROBLOX mobile app also has a similar GUI (Design is different)...But there is more than the physics,game play in general is hard,the chatting on the iPad and weapon aiming...Well that's all...I'm grounded for awhile,so I'm gonna' be inactive...

Ho Toodles Ho Sadness!!!  :(