Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sorcus Chair, Sorcus Stool, lolwut?

A few minutes ago the Sorcus Egg hatched into Sorcus Stool.

Sorcus StoolSorcus' Chair
"The Sorcus Egg hatched into SORCUS STOOL! While it is a great asset to any Troll, the stool works best as a enhancement in your trolling with the Sorcus chair on your Epic Troll journey."

Notice how it says it helps with trolling when you have the Sorcus Chair?

Well, here are some ideas of what it helps with.

When you sit on the stool, and then throw your chair at people, it makes the chair have longer range.

When you sit on the chair then run over the stool, you are sitting on both, when you run into someone you are able to carry them around.

We do not know what it will do, but I will be sure to keep you all updated.

If you have any theories, post in the comments below.

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