Monday, April 8, 2013

-Special Post- Rare Egg Reviews

For the past two weeks, RBLXNN has gotten over 3,000 views, thank you everyone!
Egg of Scales

Mesh: The mesh is very nice, I love the over-lapped.. scales..? Along with the wings. This mesh is very exciting, new, and one of a kind.
Rating: 9/10

Texture: The texture is simply green a black, boring, like most eggs are.
Rating: 4/10

Receiving In-Game: Getting this egg In-game was fun, having to steal it from the cave and take it to the volcano, drop it in at the right time, it was fun and challenging! I have to say, this may be a boring egg, but it's also one of the most exciting.
Rating: 10/10

Overall: 23/30

Scrambled Egg

Mesh: The mesh is just... Bleh, a normal egg with 2 lumps near the top, no special, no wings, no arms, no hats, no nothing. Just, a boring egg with lumps... Bleh.
Rating: 3/10

Texture: The texture is three colors, Black White and Brown. As this is simply a normal egg texture with an addition feature, it's nothing to look at, but I suppose it looks good.
Rating: 5/10

Receiving In-Game: Getting this egg was very fun, as this is the rarest egg on the game, you had to locate it in the city and then take it to a high point, drop it and then jump on the remains before someone else did. Very tricky, but very successful.
Rating: 9/10

Overall: 17/30

Egg of Epic Growth

Mesh: Now we're getting somewhere, this mesh is awesome, an egg with vines wrapped all over it! But it doesn't stop there, it has vines AND leaves. Just amazing, fun, and very creative. I have to say, best mesh of the Egg Hunt 2013.
Rating: 10/10

Texture: This egg unlike many others actually has texture, by that I mean not a solid color like white, it has a Wooden texture for the egg, and a Grass texture for the vines and leaves. Along with best mesh, this egg gets best texture of the Egg Hunt 2013 too.
Rating: 10/10

Receiving In-Game: Along with best Texture and Mesh, this egg also gets the best way to get it in-game. First you found it in the tree, take it to the waterfall and drop it. The egg will grow and then ... POOOOF! The egg suddenly turns into a 50+ Stud Tall Epic Duck. The one who is first touching the egg when it turns to the Epic Duck gets it. This is easily, by far the best way to get an egg.
Rating: 10/10

Overall: 30/30

Sorcus Egg

Mesh: The mesh is boring, yet odd. It's an egg with an arm... AN ARM. Yes, only one. I said it was odd, didn't I? The bad thing is it's just a basic egg, with one little arm.. Not interesting, not fun, not anything. Just... Eggy.
Rating: 2/10

Texture: The texture is only Black and White... That's it, Black and White. A normal egg texture... See? This is not a very good egg.
Rating: 1/10

Receiving In-Game: Now we actually get somewhere, this is by far the hardest egg to get. You had to go to the bridge at the top of the mountain and bring him spam from the houses SEVEN times. Each time walking back and forth was about 5 minutes, adding to that, people could steal the egg from you, if you gave it 6 spam and they gave him the 7th, they get it and you have to restart. As I said, by far the hardest to get.
Rating: 10/10

Overall: 13/30

I hope you enjoyed this special post, Thanks for reading.

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